pelvic pain
low back pain
hip pain
abdominal pain
SI (Sacroiliac Joint) Pain
Symphysis Pubis Pain
Each of these have safe and effective non-pharmaceutical treatments that can give you relief!
pelvic floor muscle training and relaxation
breathing techniques and application
perineal massage
optimal fetal positioning
pelvic positioning
labor and birthing positions
relaxation techniques
posture and body mechanics
'birth partner' training
Pushing mechanics for vaginal birth
pelvic pain
low back pain
hip pain
abdominal pain
muscle coordination
pelvic organ prolapse
symphysis pubis dysfunction
tissue healing
diastasis recti
scar tissue healing
c-section care
pain with intercourse
pelvic floor muscular strength and coordination
bowel and bladder function
breathing mechanics
individualized exercise prescription
gradual overload to progress exercises
education on movement and biomechanics
pain with exercise
return to sport guidance
Just because you've been cleared that things are "healed" doesn't mean you're ready to exercise with the intensity you're familiar with. Pelvic floor therapy assures readiness and appropriate progressions to assure you stay healthy!
Pelvic PT specializes in addressing musculoskeletal aspects of pelvic health, while OB-GYNs, midwives, and doulas focus on medical, reproductive, and emotional aspects of care during pregnancy and childbirth. These providers often work collaboratively to ensure comprehensive care for individuals during the perinatal period.
For pregnancy related care, a birth provider will focus on the health of the mom and baby and appropriate development of the baby while a physical therapist will focus on symptoms associated with pregnancy, maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle and physical preparation and readiness for birth.
It is essential to have clearance by an OB-GYN/midwife/doula and a physical therapist to ensure a healthy return to the activities you love.
About Us
T-Zero Physio was founded in 2016 with the belief that you're capable of more than traditional healthcare believes. No matter what goals you have, T-Zero helps you do the work necessary to be ready to compete, perform, and live to your potential.
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